Sound acoustics

Ingenieurbüro für Nachrichtentechnik und Akustik

Our Services

· Consulting

· Feasibility studies

· Development support

· Quality enhancement of your product

· Training  and offline training

Our products

· Measurement systems

· Listening test simulation

· Remote diagnostic systems

Our research topics

· Hearing adequate signal processing

· Compensation filters

· Quality enhancement of signal processing systems

Real time listening test simulator for terminals based on HASQUE

Real Time Quality Evaluation with HASQUE


Listening test simulation at terminals with analogue audio interfaces.


Features: 24 Bit 48 kHz A/D converter, Automatic level adaptation

Hardware tester with programmable signal generators, Programmable Task Interpreter, PTT control

Scaling according to ITU-T P.862.1 und ITU-T P.862.2 or individual programmable

Statistics: MOS, Delay, Speech Interrupts


HASQUE measurement systems are used among others by the „Bundesanstalt für den Digitalfunk der Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben-(BDBOS) for certification of digital radio devices and control centres.



The search for new solutions requires new measurement principles making  observations of cause and effect possible. We develop new real time  measurement principles for individual properties of audio systems making cause and effect visible.

Quality Enhancement


Quality enhancement of known telecommunication systems is possible by hearing adequate parameterization.


We offer the optimization of your product with the aid of our adaptive measurement systems and provide you with new signal processing principles for your future products.


Adaptive Filters for quality enhancement


Optimal compensation of a transfer function for crystal clean reproduction of signals for Audio, ELA, Video, Ultrasonic, Radar…


ELACompFilter: No latency, economic, precise

Offline quality evaluation with HASQUE


based on listening test simulation with PCM recordings


Scaling according to ITU-T P.862.1, ITU-T P.862.2 or individual programmable, file list generation,

Representations: Audible errors, Transfer function ...

Statistics: MOS, Signal delay, Speech interrupts


Quality evaluation according to the BDBOS for certification of digital radio devices and control centres with post processed recordings.


Example for the compensation of a loudspeakeaker room microphone arrangementOffline system for listening test simulation based on HASQUE

Our Real-time systems are: