Sound acoustics

Ingenieurbüro für Nachrichtentechnik und Akustik

SETMON-Windows program

SETMON (Signal Error Tracer Monitoring) is a program for error tracing and monitoring of up to eight analogue audio signals.

The simultaneous evaluation of several audio channels is achieved through the parallelization of commercially available USB sound cards.

The digitized analogue input signals of the sound cards are analysed with a measuring device and examined for tolerance deviations with the help of an error tracer.

Sample application: Measurement arrangement for quality assessment and

monitoring of telecommunication systems


On the output side, various test signals can be generated with the help of the SETMON program. These test signals are connected to the input of the object to be examined, with the output signal of the test object being able to be assessed and monitored with the aid of the measuring device.


Measurement results are displayed in the graphic representation in the time and frequency domains.


The measured values are monitored with the help of an error tracer, which compares the tolerance limits specified by the user with the current measured values and generates an error log, graphics and signal records if the tolerance is exceeded.


SETMON can work as an independent system as well as be operated via the LAN interface with an external control program ControlSETMON.