Sound acoustics

Ingenieurbüro für Nachrichtentechnik und Akustik

HASQUE for quality enhancement



HASQUE_W serves for quality evaluation, quality comparison and adaptive quality enhancement of audio systems covering nearly the whole auditory sensation area. Subjective standard listening tests (e. g. ITU-T P835) and new listening test criterions can be simulated with the aid of quality determining parameters (e.g. bandwidth, weightings) and the threshold of acceptance with less expense and low standard deviation of  <0,2 on the 5 point MOS scale.


Fixed pre-sets for fast tests following standard recommendations are made available. The simulation of new listening tests is supported by a MOS Adaptation Tool which is used for the training of relevant quality criterions in order to reach low standard deviation and high correlation with the new subjective quality measures.


The graphically representation of a test series gives a fast overview about the behaviour of a test object at different test conditions. Representations in frequency and time domain are scaled as the human hearing system perceives and are thus excellent useful for the evaluation of hearing adequate system properties.


The fast access to various graphics is making the animation with different test cases possible simplifying the observation of complex quality influences, whereas even smallest system variations are easy to recognize.


The implementation, evaluation and enhancement of new principles is made possible by programmable interfaces and tools for the adaptive parameterisation.


The animation with different test object parameters shows the influence on different test cases with one view.


The development tool HASQUE_W is made available as windows program and can be purchased against  a unique licence fee.

Current prices, licence rules and delivery conditions are made available from:




             Programmable listening test simulation and comparison

             Automatic adaptation of the listening test parameter to new listening tests (MOS Adaptation Tool)

             Adaptive parameterisation of signal processing principles

             Animation of parameter influences

             a. m. m. ...

Example applications:

Expensive manual tuning

Adaptive quality enhancement

Expense                100%                                                       10%

Reliability              ?                                                               100%

Survey                   ?                                                               100%      


Researcher’s headacheTest object implementationTest object implementation