Sound acoustics

Ingenieurbüro für Nachrichtentechnik und Akustik

We about us

Sound acoustics is located in Bavaria (Germany).

Thirty years experience in research and development on signal processing and acoustics and a lot of patents which are used today world wide in telecommunication systems as mobile phones, audio systems characterize our properties.


One of our strength is finding and realization of new solutions into robust running models.


Our tasks include problem analysis, feasibility studies, preparation of concept and algorithm proposals, development of new solutions, algorithms and development tools.


Our present topics:

             Listening test simulation

             Adaptive parameterisation of new systems

             Hearing adequate signal processing (HASQUE)

             Psycho acoustic models and  functions

             Echo cancellation

             Noise reduction

             Estimator principles for delay, noise, distortions, signal

             Enhancement of speech input systems (speech recognition)

             Compensation of the impulse response for quality enhancement of signal processing systems

             and other


The usage of our tools and algorithms offers following advantages:

             Enhanced quality improvement by our tools

             Time saving for research and development of new systems

             More reliable quality tests

             Reduced investigation risk for critical research effort

             Competitive advantage by enhanced tools and new functions

             Saving Know How and competence


Our goals are saving know how and competence by continuous research and development of new solutions.